Am I eligible to apply for an individual taxpayer identification number? Internal Revenue Service

itin number online application

Official websites use .gov A .gov website belongs to an official government organization in the United States. For a summary of those rules, please see the new Form W-7 and its instructions. If you need an ITIN, find out how to get the state’s Excluded Workers Fund payments.

Forms & Instructions

  1. To obtain an ITIN, you must complete IRS Form W-7, IRS Application for Individual Taxpayer Identification Number.
  2. You must have a PTIN if you, for compensation, prepare all or substantially all of any federal tax return or claim for refund.
  3. An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is also known as a federal tax identification number, and is used to identify a business entity.
  4. The Individual Tax Identification Number, or ITIN, allows taxpayers who don’t have a Social Security Number (SSN) to file income tax returns.
  5. Taxpayers with an ITIN can complete the registration process to access their IRS online account, which provides balance due, payment history, payment plans, tax records, and more.

Unless you will not need to file an income tax return next year, you will likely need to renew your ITIN if you fit either of the above two categories. Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to individuals who are required for U.S. federal tax purposes to have a U.S. taxpayer identification debits and credits number but who do not have and are not eligible to get a Social Security number (SSN). If you are not a U.S. citizen and do not have a Social Security number, learn how to get and use an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) to file a federal tax return. Applicants who meet one of the exceptions to the requirement to file a tax return (see the Instructions for Form W-7) must provide documentation to support the exception. To obtain an ITIN, you must complete IRS Form W-7, IRS Application for Individual Taxpayer Identification Number. The Form W-7 requires documentation substantiating foreign/alien status and true identity for each individual.

Where to apply?

You may either mail the documentation, along with the Form W-7, to the address shown in the Form W-7 Instructions, present it at IRS walk-in offices, or process your application through an Acceptance Agent authorized by the IRS. Form W-7(SP), Solicitud de Número de Identificación Personal del Contribuyente del Servicio de Impuestos Internos is available for use by Spanish speakers. An Employer Identification Number (EIN) is also known as a federal tax identification number, and is used to identify a business entity. It is also used by estates and trusts which have income which is required to be reported on Form 1041, U.S.

No matter which way you file, we guarantee 100% accuracy and your maximum refund. You should expect to hear back from the IRS about your approval status after no more than seven weeks — look for a letter in the mail with your ITIN when your application is approved. If you do not want to apply for a PTIN online, use Form W-12, IRS Paid Preparer Tax Identification Number Application. You will need to complete Form SS-5, depreciation definition and calculation methods Application for a Social Security Card PDF. You also must submit evidence of your identity, age, and U.S. citizenship or lawful alien status. For more information please see the Social Security Administration website.


An ITIN is a tax processing number, issued by the Internal Revenue Service, for certain resident and nonresident aliens, their spouses, and their dependents. Apply for an ITIN in-person using the services of an IRS-authorized Certifying Acceptance Agent. This will prevent you from having to mail your proof of identity and foreign status documents. ITINs that have not been used on a tax return for Tax Year 2021, Tax Year 2022 or Tax Year 2023 will expire December 31, 2024.

itin number online application

IRS issues ITINs to help individuals comply with the U.S. tax laws, and to provide a means to efficiently process and account for tax returns and payments for those not eligible for Social Security numbers. They are issued regardless of immigration status, because both resident and nonresident aliens may have a U.S. filing or reporting requirement under the Internal Revenue Code. ITINs do not serve any purpose other than federal tax reporting. When a quiz and worksheet accounts receivable process significant natural disaster hits – such as a hurricane, earthquake, tornado, flood, wildfire, blizzard, or the like – the IRS will extend upcoming federal tax deadlines for affected taxpayers if a federal disaster is declared. The extended due dates apply to most federal tax returns and payments, including those for income taxes (including estimated tax payments), payroll taxes, and excise taxes.

They review the applicant’s documentation and forward the completed Form W-7 to IRS for processing. A Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) is an identification number used by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) in the administration of tax laws. It is issued either by the Social Security Administration (SSA) or by the IRS. A Social Security number (SSN) is issued by the SSA whereas all other TINs are issued by the IRS. For more information see Allowable Tax Benefits in the Instructions for Form W-7 PDF. See how much you can save when a TurboTax expert does your taxes, start to finish.

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